(1) Darkness vs light

The battle with Satan is a real and constant struggle. Satan seeks to bind us in darkness, but God’s grace offers light, strength, and the power to resist temptation.

The following posts will briefly describe my challenges, then explore the core issues we all face and how to winthisbattle.

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My Story
Here I’m settled on the couch, in a dark corner of my living room, with my computer on my lap. Having...
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The Struggle
When I began working in my career, the first thing I did was move out from my roommate to have my...
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My Message
To all men and women trapped in the grip of pornography addiction, who have struggled and failed...
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Why Addiction ?!
To be addict you simply need a substance, Alcohol and drugs are substances that can lead to addiction.The...
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Understanding the Mind of God
When talking about God and His interaction with humans, I believe there are two fundamental principles...
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