This is a story about a thief who had stolen numerous things throughout his life. However, what he stole last was something that made everyone pause and wonder. Surprisingly, he hadn’t even planned for this particular prize.
Despite being aware that he was doing wrong, this thief remained persistent in his wrongful actions until he was eventually apprehended and sentenced to be crucified.
This skilled thief possessed the ability to observe even the smallest details. Once he recognized a chance, he seized it without hesitation, ultimately stealing the kingdom of heaven.
This story is for all of us who have lived a life filled with sin, where pornography has become a master, controlling every aspect of our lives. It has driven us to commit unlawful acts that deserve punishment under the law, such as sexually harassing a coworker, engaging in inappropriate physical contact with a colleague, discovering illegal pornographic material on our computers, or downloading copyrighted videos. Our urgent lust led us to ignore all warning signs and engage in evil deeds, ultimately resulting in getting caught.
Under the judgment.
Now, under the judgment of the law, we have been sentenced to prison or death. Our story has spread through the social networks, with friends gossiping about us. They discuss how what was once thought to be sheep turn to be a wolf, who was innocent in their eyes has revealed a dark side, turning into a monster.
Everyone is distancing themselves from us. Our family looks down upon us when our name is mentioned, and we have become a disgrace to the entire family. It feels like everything is dark and there is no light anywhere.
That was how the thieves who were crucified with Jesus were feeling. One of the thieves crucified with Jesus empathized with our misery. He had lived a similar life to ours, but instead of indulging in pornography, he had been a thief. Yet, he experienced our feelings and couldn’t find a way to stop.
Probably, he had heard about Jesus just like the rest of us, but he made the choice to live as a thief throughout his entire life. Until he was finally caught and faced judgment. He refused God and instead preferred a life of sin.
He was enticed by the charm of easy and attractive money that stealing could provide, which is something many of us are guilty of. We often push God aside because the temptations of the world are so easy to give in to and we are drawn towards them.
He had heard about Jesus, his miracles, and his life. However, he couldn’t help but think that his own life was different from Jesus’. It was as if we all believed that God resided in heaven while we remained on earth, giving us the freedom to indulge in eating, drinking, and sinning habits.
This thief kept doing wrongful things until he got caught and now he’s being crucified. He told himself it was all over. He thought about dying alone on his cross as a punishment for his actions. But wait..!
Blaming Jesus.
The thief knew he had done wrong and considered a quiet death. But more people kept arriving to see what was happening. He looked around for a reason for the busy crowd and saw Jesus, who was crucified next to him. It was expected that Jerusalem would be crowded with visitors for the feast. Now, all these people would witness Jesus’ crucifixion, and unfortunately, they would also see the punishment of the thieves. This made the thief unhappy, so he joined in mocking Jesus, like the other thief.
In our situation, we are unhappy that the news about our addiction has spread. Now, we face consequences and are being watched by friends and family. We started blaming Jesus, thinking He wasn’t helping us. We felt completely alone in our suffering.
However, the thief couldn’t help but overhear Jesus saying,
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34).
This caught the thief’s interest, and he glanced at Jesus, who seemed to be looking up as if he was speaking to someone. This aroused the thief’s curiosity about who Jesus’ father was. He was mocking Jesus too. Could it be that Jesus was also asking forgiveness for him? No one had ever done such a thing before.
After a while, he noticed the sun hiding its light and the land shaking. He saw Pilate’s sign, declaring this man as the King of the Jews. Fear gripped his heart as he compared his own life to the man next to him. He realized his own sinfulness and observed how the man, despite being covered in blood, showed no concern for his own pain but forgave others for their sins. Such strength could only come from being the true son of God.
Steeling the paradise.
He couldn’t stay silent any longer. No one was defending Jesus, but a thief did. He told his friend to fear God, acknowledging that they were under punishment, but this man had done nothing wrong. Then, he shouted, “Remember me, oh Lord, when you come into your Kingdom.” And in that moment, Jesus told him.
And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43).
For those who face judgment from family members, such as a spouse who divorced them because of involvement with pornography, or from the law for actions related to lust, or who have been fired for harassment, we may not undo the consequences like the thief who faced punishment. But even if you feel down, keep looking up. You might hear Jesus telling you, “Today, you will be with me.” Don’t give up, because the battle is still ongoing. You are alive and can say, “Remember me, oh Lord, when you come into your kingdom.”
Our compassionate God understands that you may not be able to make a full confession or seek guidance from a priest in your current circumstances. He recognizes that you are already facing the consequences of your actions. However, His desire remains to rescue your soul so that you may ultimately find solace in His presence.
How great is our God! When we experience pain, our thoughts become consumed by it and we desperately seek ways to ease it, However, even during the most painful moments of his human life, Jesus joyfully opened the gates of heaven for a thief.
My fellow fighter, if you believe that your actions have caused immense pain to yourself or Jesus, if you find yourself facing the consequences of the law for something you have done, and if your friends and family begin to mock you, causing your soul to be troubled to the point where you feel life has no meaning and wish to die alone, remember that even in the midst of this darkness, you have the power to claim the kingdom of heaven with just one word. This is because God loves you unconditionally, regardless of your sins, and desires to grant you eternal life.
It’s his good pleasure.
Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).
Look around and you’ll see Jesus standing by your side. He wants to touch your heart and desires you to speak or act so he can justify giving you the kingdom. Open your eyes, let your heart soften, and acknowledge what the thief noticed – how he forgives your sins.
Notice him paying the price for your mistakes,
Notice him, for he is not far in heaven but right beside you on your journey, sharing in your suffering and pain.
For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. (Hebrews 2:18).
He understands what you’re experiencing. Almost all of his disciples fled and escaped, some even denied him. And one of his disciples betrayed him with a kiss. Then came the unbearable physical agony of the cross. Ultimately, he was left alone, with only a few loyal individuals by his side beneath the cross. He understands the feeling of loneliness, whether you’re facing punishment, imprisoned, or simply at home. His only desire is for you to speak up, pray, seek, and receive what the thief received.
Say your psalms and prayers..
Make him hear your voice
today you might hear his voice
“Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)
Be courageous
Win this battle