Why can’t God simply lift us out of our weaknesses?
- The 1st reason God won’t give you the freedom from your weakness as a gift because by definition it’s a sin, how is it fair to give you the power over the porn which is sin and not to give other people power over their sins even if it’s not related to porn, and if he grant everyone power over their weakness, then what is the need of the salvation. Then Satan will challenge god that he gives his creation power to use that they didn’t deserve, and that will not be justice.
- The 2nd reason God won’t give freedom as a gift is he loves you. His love for you is so powerful that he would never make you do something you don’t want to. He’s being fair by not forcing you to change, as you might relapse into sin. If he protected you from a harmful temptation, then the temptation may appear to you like the apple appeared to Eve.
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise. (Genesis 3:6),
Temptation is inevitable. When God grants you power over your weaknesses, the temptation being alluring and appealing. It may make you think God forcing you not to try it. As a result, you may feel trapped, as if you are in a prison.
- The 3rd reason God won’t give freedom as a gift is he worries about you from Satan’s rage.
God, being the God of war, understands that no matter how many blessings and gifts He gives upon you, if you were to stumble, your enemies would show you no mercy and strip you of all those gifts. Therefore, God holds back His blessings and only gives you what is suitable for your growth alongside Him. with each blessing, Satan grew angrier., if you were to fall, Satan would be ruthless and tear you apart, causing you to lose it all. Hence, God gives you little by little.
The more you show strength and willingness to stay with him as a father, the more he will give you. He can see that you want him now, and being a father, he will sense the potential danger if your willpower inclines towards sin. He will help you correct it quickly with his holy spirit before falling into Satan’s hands.
When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none, it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first. (Luke 11:24-26)
Pay attention to how this verse ends: the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Before, you were just another random person in the clutches of Satan. But after you asked God for help, He cleansed your house, swept away the darkness, and adorned it with His grace. If he does that and you didn’t do any job from your part to maintain this house through prayers or good deeds, Satan will bring his temptation back and also bring other spirits to play with your soul now that you have opened the door to them.
God wants you to have everything with Him once again, but He also wants to strengthen your feet with each step, just as David said
He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. (Psalms 40:2)
With his love, He wants to protect you from what’s going to happen to you if you choose to let go of him and follow your old temptations.
Jesus commented on this also warning from receiving what holy if we cannot keep because of the temptation
Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces (Matthew 7:6)
So if you throw what is holy to the dogs and the pigs, they will trample them under their feet. The problem is that they won’t stop there. They will turn and attack you, destroying you. God, in His love, doesn’t want that to happen to you. That’s why God doesn’t give you what is holy as a gift. He could, but He also doesn’t want you to, in a weak moment, decide to leave Him and follow your temptations. Because if you do, your last state will be worse than your first.
But when you seek salvation from him, he will walk slowly by your side. With each step you take, he will strengthen your resolve. He will ensure that the process of going back is not as quick. The more you walk with him, the more blessings you will receive. You will gain more power over evil, and most importantly, your faith will become steadfast. It will take time for you to turn back, during which he can save you if you continue to listen to his voice. Therefore, he can protect you from falling prey to Satan.
Remember, my fellow fighter, when we speak of letting down our guard and submitting to temptation, we are not referring to a moment of weakness where we sin and quickly repent, holding onto his hand.
However, we are discussing the situation where, after experiencing weakness, you choose to remain there. Whether it’s because of a preference for darkness or a longing for the excitement of a pornographic lifestyle, choosing to stay in that mindset causes us to distance ourselves from God’s guidance and makes us susceptible to the influence of sin.
“The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.” (Psalm 37:23-24 )
Finally, If you ask God to give you the power over your weakness as a gift, then you didn’t understand the story of salvation, you became like Adam and Eve with your eyes closed and you don’t understand what it take to deliver you from your weakness. (more on this in the next post).
keep praying for 5 minutes (step1)
May add 5 more minutes (step 2)
Win this battle.