Over the next 14 days, we will transition to a new phase in our battle. We’ll gradually shift from relying solely on prayers to taking actions that must accompany our prayer to ensure our freedom and victory.
Keep in mind, there are no magic solutions here. God’s grace will support you throughout. This battle is not about how many days you’ve abstained from porn, so there’s no need to rush. However, it’s about renewal of your mind, purifying your heart, and transforming your thoughts so that you no longer crave this habit.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. (Romans 12:2).
The Armor of God
As I began writing this section, I immediately dived into the specifics of the armor of God according to “Ephesians 6:10-18”
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Ephesians 6:10-18).
However, I realized that this armor is not something I can simply claim and wear at will. It is not mine. As the Bible states, it belongs to God.
Who ever goes to war at his own expense? (1 Corinthians 9:7).
To serve as a soldier in this battle, you need Jesus’ help in wearing the armor. Once it’s on, you’ll be fearless and the devil will flee.
That being said, having the armor is one thing and know how to use it is another, need wisdom and skill. When Jesus got tempted on the mountain he used the word of God, referred to as the sword of the Spirit, to respond to the devil’s test in the first trial. During the second trial, the devil learning from his first attempt that his opponent using that sword, so he uses the same trying to convince Jesus, presenting an additional verse to persuade him it is all pre-written. While someone unskilled might hesitate, our Lord Jesus had a ready answer from the Bible. more in “Matthew 4:1-11”
I’ve realized that it takes a while to become skilled at using God’s armor. In the end, we cannot master the art of using divine protection if we continue to drown under the weight of this immense pile of pornography. What benefit is there in the sword of the word if I don’t read the Bible often or recall its verses? What benefit does the shield of faith provide when my faith is still growing and in its early stages?
Will I continue to be defeated until I fully master using these tools? Is that truly the essence of this battle?
No, my dear, God wants you to be prosperous and resilient. He has a plan for you to win and to master your weapons. We’ll discover it together in the next few lines.
How Lot escaped Sodom’s destruction ?
The angels spoke some words to Lot and his family when they found favor in God’s eyes. God intended to spare their lives before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah.
Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills. (Genesis 19:17).
It is a heavenly message, not a human one, illustrating God’s love for Lot and His determination to deliver him from the depravity and immorality of Sodom.
I realized that what’s inside me is like Sodom; my thoughts and actions when I’m alone are not much different from what happened back then.
The thought occurred to me that many saints become saints by escaping, while many saints become sinners for not escaping.
I realize that my best chance of winning this battle is to obey the angels’ command. At the same time, I need to maximize the power of the god armor to resist Satan and his deceitful tactics.
Since every battle requires a winning strategy, and to avoid feeling discouraged if we attempt to fight with tools we are not yet mature enough in our faith to handle, here is the plan that has been outlined for us from heaven.
- Escape for your life.
- Do not look back or
- stop anywhere in the valley.
- Escape to the hills
At the same time, we will enhance our defenses by acquiring God’s divine armor, which is:
- belt of truth
- breastplate of righteousness
- feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
- shield of faith,
- helmet of salvation
- sword of the Spirit
As mentioned earlier, God’s divine armor belongs to Him. We can gain it the more we seek it and the more he sees it fit us. We won’t dive into these powerful tools now in our early stage of resisting this evil, so we won’t get discouraged. Instead, we will begin with the four steps given to us from heaven. Our goal is to see if we can break free from our impending death, like Lot.
Dear fighter, it’s your father’s pleasure to see that you desire him. Each time you escape from this evil habit, you get closer to a powerful source that can empower you to become even closer to him. Soon, you will have the ability to resist the devil, making it run away. This is because Satan will no longer see you as an ordinary person, but as someone who embodies Godliness and is guided by a higher power.
Next, we will dive into these heavenly order steps, ensuring that each step is strong enough to secure our victory in this battle.
keep praying for 5 minutes (step1)
May add 5 more minutes (step 2)
Win this battle.