It is impossible that no offenses should come
(Luke 17:1).
We are not all experts in our fight against Satan, and the temptation to sin is sure to come, just as Jesus said, especially in our generation. Temptation can easily enter our lives, even in the privacy of our own rooms, with everything at our fingertips.
It’s no longer a hassle to find magazines or go to clubs to satisfy our sinful desires. Nowadays, everything we desire is just a click away. Jesus himself warned us that temptation would come. So, if we stumble and fall, especially in this generation, His love causes Him to implement a permanent solution to safeguard our lives.
So the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord that He take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live. (Num 21:6-8).
Here, you can see that God did not ask those who were bitten by the snakes why they did bad things or spoke against Him. Instead, His focus was on finding a solution. He instructed Moses to create a fiery serpent and place it on a pole, so that whoever was bitten and looked at it would be saved.
God understands the immense temptation and our human weakness, so He doesn’t ask why we sin. He only asks why we didn’t look to Jesus on the cross for salvation. Just like those who looked at the fiery serpent on the pole were saved, those who repent and look to Jesus on the cross after sinning will also find life. It’s not about why we sin, but about why we didn’t turn to Him in repentance and look to Him on the cross.
Everyone sins, as even the Bible testifies.
For there is not a just man on earth who does good And does not sin. (Ecclesiastes 7:20).
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8).
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
I’m writing these words not to give you an excuse to sin, but to lift you up if you relapse. What you are going through, there are millions of people going through as well, if not more. When you fall, you don’t stay down. You stand up and dust yourself off. The same applies when you relapse. You look at your weakness and declare,
Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me (Micah 7:8)
The one thing Satan always tries to do is break your willpower, making you think you can’t climb anymore, and that all your efforts will be wasted because you will always desire sin. But regardless of your situation, pull yourself together and remember that there is always a powerful God. Let Satan know that he may have won this round, but you will stand again. Be like a wise sailor. If your ship leans to the left and you feel like giving up, remind yourself of how gracious God is.
No one is without sin, even if their life was only one day. And then, as a sailor, if your ship leans to the right and Satan’s waves start telling you that you’re doing well, winning round after round, reject these voices too. Tell him that the war belongs to the Lord, that He is the ultimate winner. As for me, I’ll keep sailing the seas that He calms in front of me. He is the one who calms the sea in front of me and the one who steadies my feet so I won’t shake.
Don’t give up if you fall. It happens to everyone. Don’t get discouraged. Just like a toddler learning to walk, they fall multiple times, maybe get bruises, but eventually, they will walk, forgetting all about crawling. Similarly, a young bird learning to fly is pushed from a tree by its parents and falls multiple times. But they keep trying until they can spread their wings and fly. If they keep falling, their parents catch them and let them try again. The same goes for you. If you fall, your heavenly Father sends you a voice to catch you and says, “Stand up.”
However, we must mention another trick that Satan uses once you have fallen. He tells you that God is forgiving, and it’s okay to indulge in things you have been avoiding last few days. Treat yourself with the things you desire to watch, even though you have been trying to avoid them while walking with God. Now that you have fallen, it seems like your chance to visit this website or be reminded of that video or picture. But be careful, my dear fighter. Do not fall into that trap. The more you accept these temptations, the more you allow Satan to surround you with his influence, making it harder to start all over and escape again. Instead, run! Run like there are ghosts following you.
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart (2 Timothy 2:22).
Leave the house, call someone. Don’t rely on prayer alone to calm these voices in your head. It’s not the time to confront your enemy yet, as your faith isn’t strong enough to solely rely on prayer for inner peace. Satan may try to deceive you into praying and returning to the computer. Dear fighter, be aware of these tricks and don’t let yourself be trapped in this environment. You long to hear God’s voice, so escape and run back to where you started. Running away is the only chance for your wounds to heal. Once healed, you’ll have a strong body to face your enemy. Your life won’t always be about running, but for now, you must run in order to let your body heal.
Another problem if you fall is that you are tempted to try God, thinking that He is kind and always accepting. After all, you can go back anytime and His door will be open. It is a fact that His door is open and whoever comes to Him will never be turned away. However, it is also said, “Do not try God, your Lord.” He accepts those who, in their weakness, have fallen. Their weakness caused them to fall, yet they still hold God’s hand. Their spirit fires inside them, moving them towards God again. Yet, If you fall due to weakness and choose to stay down, God will turn away. He can’t see you desiring evil more than Him, and He bears witness to that. He is very jealous.
for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. (Exodus 34:14)
. Instead, He will step aside. When He does that, His power, His protection, His grace, everything that God gives, steps aside with Him. you put off the spirit fire.
You will realize that what started with temptation ended with you becoming the prey that they fed on. Once you call Jesus, of course, He will always jump to help. He will forgive and accept you. Meanwhile, frequent relapsing leaves deep wounds on us, and brings mental and health issues. Even though you are forgiven, you still have to deal with the aftermath.
Finally, remember, God will never ask you why you sinned. He will definitely will ask you, “If my door is open, why didn’t you repent?”
keep praying for 5 minutes (step1)
May add 5 more minutes (step 2)
Win this battle.