Woman or Weapon
You see, we live in a world that used to label things. If somebody lies, they are labeled as a liar. If somebody steals, they are labeled as a thief. We associate every person with the actions they commit. But that’s not how it all started. They are just people.
If we think about it this way, we cannot forgive them and if we do not forgive others, our Father will not forgive us.
but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:15)
To make it easier for us to forgive, we need to separate the person from the actions they have done. Instead of labeling him as a liar, consider referring to him as someone who tells lies. Rather than calling him a thief, acknowledge him as a person who steals. By separating the action from the individual, you allow yourself the opportunity to forgive, even if you are angered by the action itself.
Let me tell you a story. There was a little girl who loved playing with her cat. One day, she was playing with the cat and accidentally held its tail too tightly. In response, the cat scratched her hand. Because of this incident, the girl labeled the cat as dangerous and didn’t want to have a cat for a long time. Many people have cats in their houses and find them to be safe and friendly creatures. The girl’s perception of the cat as dangerous was based on one incident, but it doesn’t mean that every cat is dangerous.
In a similar way, Satin often uses women as a weapon to invade men’s privacy and bring down even the strongest of men. But for those of us who have fallen into this trap for a long time, we label every woman as a danger. This mindset can trap our lives and make our hearts unclear. If you truly want your heart to be pure and clear, like snow, you need to have the right definition of everything.
Girls are not evil. Some may argue that it’s the women who lead me astray, but in reality, it’s my own weakness and choice to follow them. The same goes for everything in life. If used correctly, it is not evil. However, if used wrongly, harm can come from it. If you think about it this way, it will be easier for you to forgive porn stars and girls who try to make you fall.
Ultimately, you have control over yourself and who you choose to follow. Just because Satan uses them as weapons doesn’t mean you should hate the weapon. Instead, you should hate Satan for using them, but also have mercy on them because they allowed themselves to be used. If they had fallen into good hands, they could have been employed to lead. There are countless examples of women who have done great things in this world that people are proud of. So please, stick to the right definition so you can have peace when dealing with girls and women around you. Without fearing that, they will tempt you to do something wrong.
Satan may try to make you perceive women as a threat, connecting them to your struggles and porn addiction. As you strive to break free, it is crucial to break that association. After all, we interact with women on a daily basis. Satan’s tactic is to trigger memories and present images each time you encounter a woman, disrupting your peace. However, once you are liberated, you can see women as God’s children, just like yourself. God created them in His own image, too.
Against Who?
- Against God
Joseph resisted his master’s wife’s temptation. He cried out, saying,
How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? (Genesis 39:9)
Similarly, David, in his repentance, cried out, saying,
Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight (Psalm 51:4)
And similarly, the prodigal son cried out, saying,
Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. (Luke 15:18)
- Against our own bodies.
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6:18)
- Against trusted partner
Watching pornography in a relationship or marriage is often viewed as a betrayal or sin. It can feel like you’re replacing your partner and arousing yourself with someone else, which undermines the trust and intimacy meant for your partner.
Sad or Mad.
If we think about God being angry with us when we sin, let’s reconsider. Imagine a man who loves a woman and marries her, and they have a child. This child grows up experiencing the love of both parents until one day he falls ill. It is discovered that his illness is genetically inherited from the mother, even though she herself is not sick. The father’s love for both the mother and the child remains unchanged, but he despises the disease that the child has gained.
Similarly, God is our father and loves us all. The fact that we are tempted and fall does not diminish his love even slightly, but he is saddened by what has happened to us and at the same time angry at the sin that caused someone he loves to fall like this. This can be seen in the story of Adam and Eve. (read here)