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Make a commitment to spend time with Jesus instead of just trying to quit porn, just like lighting a candle in a dark room. The light will fill the entire space, pushing out all darkness. All the shadows will disappear.

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

Don’t try to quit this habit alone, believing you can do it without him; that’s a deceptive tactic from Satan to make you believe you can handle it alone, when you truly cannot. If you’ve struggled before to quit, you’ll understand exactly what I mean, he said

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5).

Believing you can overcome this habit on your own is not only a deception from Satan but also shows that you are relying on your ego and abilities, similar to telling a doctor to provide you his tools and you will diagnose yourself – no doctor would be happy with such a patient.

He does not delight in the strength of the horse;
He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.
The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
In those who hope in His mercy. (Psalms 147:10-11).

Once you grasp this concept, you’ll realize how light Jesus’ burden truly is, regardless of your ability or strength. Remember, your job is not to clear the way for the light; it is to provide God with a reason to act. The more reasons you give, the more God will move you towards freedom and you will experience his easy yoke.

5 Minutes Rule

Commit to spend 5 minutes daily with God

God, the powerful and mighty, wants to know if you can spare 5 minutes to show him that you want something different and will trust in Him.

While he respects your privacy, he also desires to intervene and help, so let’s begin our commitment.

for the LORD will go before you,

and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

It’s like him saying you know that I’m powerful and mighty. I can move mountains and calm seas, but I won’t invade your privacy,

I’m asking for just 5 minutes to get started. Open your door and believe that I will come, and you will become mine. I promise to protect and help you in ways you could never fathom.

First, commit to spending 5 minutes daily, whether in your car, alone in your room, or while walking down the street – the quieter the place, the better. Then I’ll tell you exactly what to do.

It’s important to know that your fight is with him, and he can change all of you. He works slowly in your heart to fix your wounds.

If you ever get sick and start taking medication, you won’t take a day worse of medication and tell yourself it is the right medication then I should be ok after just starting , you need to finish the full course.

Just as you trust in a pill to cure your disease in a way that we don’t understand, we should trust in God and believe that He works even if we don’t understand.

Just like planting a seed, you must water it every day, even if you don’t see immediate growth. The growth is happening and in due time, it will reward you with a beautiful flower.

What should I say during these 5 minutes?

So let’s take the guessing away, we all not expert when it comes to prayers so during these 5 minutes, you will pray using the psalms; everyone agrees they hold its own power.

Please refer to the prayer section in this website as a guide to help you

We will begin our prayer as follows:

  • Our father, who is in heaven.
  • followed by psalm 51
  • followed by psalm 57

then if you like you can add your own prayer

You won’t be alone on your journey.

I’ll continue sharing stories and motivation to inspire your journey.

I have been there. He helped me, and he can help you as well.

You pushed me violently, that I might fall, But the Lord helped me.  (Psalms 118:13).

He patiently waits for you to open your doors.

So let’s start!

Now that we’ve agreed on the 5-minute rule, I need to explain something very important. It may seem easy, but it is difficult to maintain after a few days.

Life will present a million excuses for not being available. Perhaps you have doubts about your worthiness or cleanliness when it comes to praying. Perhaps you just finished watching porn content or need to take a shower, or maybe you want to try resisting by yourself first. Evil will tempt you with many reasons to avoid spending five minutes in prayer.

This simply shows how much Satan fears the potential of receiving a blessing within a short amount of time, similar to those who worked with Jesus for just one hour in his parable. The blessing that will let you escape from his hand, destroying all his work for years.

You’ll discover several reasons for feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with other obligations. Random stuff happens, good and bad, just to mess with you for those 5 minutes. You end up feeling sick, or distracted. You meet new people and get into new careers, or maybe lose a career.

Satin understands God’s love and how Jesus is always ready to extend a helping hand to you, and how he will wake up like a giant and break your chains.

He’s aware that you become stronger with each time you pray. He knows you get inner power or strength that can help you conquer your problems and eventually set you free. 

God, I want to see your mighty hand

God, you know me and you know my past, how far I’m from you and I can’t promise you today or any day that I’ll be yours. But I’m so tired, my lord, and always find myself doing what I don’t want because what I don’t want is what I love, at least for now.

I know it’s wrong and I hear you love me regardless, so please hear me when I say I need you and I do want to love you, so if there is anything you can, please help and clean me. 

The Lord is for me among those who help me;
Therefore I shall see my desire on those who hate me.. (Psalms 118:7).

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. (Psalms 51:7).

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalms 51:10).

Anyone who’s changed a diaper for a baby knows that they can walk, talk, and play with their dirty, smelly diapers.

For them, it’s normal, but the longer you leave the diaper, the more it irritates their skin and causes health problems. Then, a father arrives, ignoring the smell or the disgusting nature of the poop, and instead singing or smiling at the baby while cleaning him and putting on a fresh diaper, thoroughly cleansing his skin.
The baby never asked for any of that, but the father’s heart compels him to do it not once but for years without complaint.

If an earthly father can do it, how much more can our Heavenly Father cleanse us repeatedly?

The door to Jesus is always open. No need to shower, clean, prepare, say words, or do anything. Even if you’ve just finished masturbating late at night, you can still talk to him because his door is open. It may seem like a lack of respect, but trust me, your father’s heart is much larger than our minds can comprehend. If he sees a wounded heart that seeks him, he will be like the good Samaritan to that heart. He’ll take care of your wounds.

Keep in mind, he examines the heart and discerns whether you approach him in humble after stumbling because of weakness or intentionally persisting in watching porn, thinking in an ego that you can just give him those 5 minutes later as a daily task, not much else. In this he will say,

I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14).

The key to approaching God with all our dirtiness is humility, which we attain by searching within ourselves and acknowledging our need for Him, especially after multiple failed attempts to win this battle on our own.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. (Psalms 51:17).

I remember some days I cried In front of him and said, here I am with my dirty cloth stand before you, if by doing so I add another sin to my sins then let it be, I am just sick my lord, and you came for the sick and sat with the sinners. I pray to you now, seeking courage after my struggle, to let you know that I still want you. If I made mistakes today, may my prayer bless me and give me more courage tomorrow. I’m not clean in front of you, but then again, who is?

After all, where should I go, to the mountain? You are there, in the oceans? You are there.

I won’t run away or hide; instead, I’m here with my dirty clothes, asking you to dress me in something new like what you did with Adam & eve.

Please accept these two psalms from me, just as you accepted the two dinars from the poor widow. Read Mark 12:42-44.

And help me please

Thank you, I love you god

Keep fighting, my dear

Win this battle